You Dont Know Js Javascript Project

"Y'all Don't Know JS:" My Agreement of Scopes and Closures

In the quest to empathize JavaScript in every bit much depth as possible, reading the YDKJS book serial by Kyle Simpson is a must. Hither's my understanding of the second volume, "Scope & Closures," in this amazing volume serial.

"Scope & Closure" by Kyle Simpson

The inclusion of variables in our plan is ane of the virtually bones requirements to perform tasks. Only it too begets the questions:

1. Where do these variables alive, or where are they stored?
2. How does our plan find them when information technology needs them?

The ready of well-divers rules that speak on the above questions and more is called scope.

Compiler Theory

Despite the fact JavaScript falls under the general category of a dynamic or interpreted linguistic communication, it's, in fact, a compiled language. For simplicity's sake, I won't delve into the various steps of compilation.

Any snippet of JavaScript has to be compiled before (usually right before!) it's executed. Then the JS compiler volition take the program var a = 2; and compile it beginning and then be prepare to execute it — ordinarily right away.

If nosotros take the example of var a = 2;, the JavaScript engine will break down var a = ii;into separate chunk characters, parse those chunks into what'south called an abstract syntax tree, and and then turn that tree into a fix of machine instructions to actually create a variable called a if not previously alleged in the current scope(in the compilation phase) and later assign information technology the value of 2 (in the execution phase).

Compiler Lookups

Here the writer introduces the concept of left-paw side (LHS) and right-hand side (RHS) lookups. But the question is: to the side of what? To the side of an consignment functioning.

The LHS lookup is done when a variable appears on the left-hand side of the assignment performance, as in the var a = two; example, where the LHS lookup is trying to find the variable container itself so information technology can assign.

The RHS lookup is washed when a variable is on the right-hand side of an consignment operation, as in console.log(a);. The reference to a is an RHS reference considering nothing is being assigned to a here. Instead, we're looking up to think the value of a and then the value can be passed to console.log(…). By contrast, in a = 2;, the reference to a is an LHS reference because we don't actually care what the current value is — we but want to discover the variable every bit a target for the =2 assignment performance.

If the variable can't be found in the scope chain for an LHS lookup, a global variable will automatically be created (when in nonstrict mode), or a ReferenceError volition be thrown (when in strict style).

If the variable can't be establish in the scope chain for an RHS lookup, a ReferenceError will be thrown.

So whenever you see a ReferenceError in the console, you can be sure information technology relates to a scope failure.

Lexical Scopes

Lexical telescopic is a telescopic that is defined by the JavaScript author at the time of writing the code. (This is a dainty mode of thinking about scope!) It all comes down to where the author chooses to place his/her variables and functions (and blocks). This placement is what tells the JavaScript engine where it should perform its LHS and RHS lookups — in other words, the chain of scopes it needs to motility up through to find a variable.

JavaScript uses the lexical telescopic

It gets easier and more than interesting to sympathise and code when we approach the concept of nested scopes by looking at them from the point of view of RHS and LHS.


                function foo(a) {
console.log( a + b );

var b = two;

foo( 2 ); // four

The RHS reference for b tin't be resolved inside the function foo, but it can be resolved in the scope surrounding information technology (in this example, it'due south the global scope).

The elementary rules for traversing nested scope

We outset at the currently executing scope and expect for the variable at that place. Then if non found, we keep going up one level — and and then on. If the outermost global scope is reached, the search stops, whether it finds the variable or non.

The book gives a actually corking example of nested scopes every bit "bubbles inside of each other."

Adulterous Lexical

Earlier I discuss the two cheats or ways to modify the lexical scope, I must give a warning — for mainly 2 reasons:

  1. Information technology'due south a bad exercise and is frowned upon by the wider JavaScript customs
  2. It leads to poorer performance

And, therefore, I'll mention them in non much detail. Yet, it'due south interesting. OK, here nosotros go:


Consider this:

                function foo(str, a) {
eval( str ); // cheating!
console.log( a, b );

var b = ii;

foo( "var b = three;", i ); // i 3

Quite simply, yous tin see that the eval(..) takes a string and treats the contents of the cord as if it had actually been authored lawmaking at that indicate in the programme.

In other words, you tin programmatically generate code inside your authored code and run the generated code as if information technology had been there at writer time.


with is typically explained as a shorthand for making multiple property references confronting an object without repeating the object reference itself each time.

                var obj = {
a: ane,
b: 2,
c: 3

// more than "tedious" to echo "obj"
obj.a = 2;
obj.b = iii;
obj.c = 4;

// "easier" short-hand
with (obj) {
a = iii;
b = 4;
c = five;

Hiding Stuff in Functions

Hither we introduce the principle of least exposure. Equally the proper name suggests, we should expose only what is minimally necessary and, essentially, hide everything else.

Collision avoidance

Another benefit of hiding variables and functions within a scope is to avert unintended collisions betwixt 2 dissimilar identifiers with the same name but different intended usages. Collisions often result in the unexpected overwriting of values.

For case:

                function foo() {
office bar(a) {
i = 3; // changing the `i` in the enclosing scope'due south for-loop
console.log( a + i );
for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
bar( i * 2 ); // oops, space loop ahead!

The i = 3 assignment inside of bar(..) overwrites, unexpectedly, the i that was declared in foo(..) at the for-loop.

In this case, it'll upshot in an infinite loop, because i is set up to a stock-still value of three, and that'll forever remain < 10.

Function Proclamation vs. Function Expression

This is fairly a very important concept I was completely oblivious to.

Just put, if office is the first thing in the statement, so it'south a office proclamation. Otherwise, information technology's a part expression.

Office declaration:

                office foo() {                  
console.log("This is a function declaration");


Consider this:

                var a = ii;                (function foo(){ // <-- insert this                                  var a = 3;
console.log( a ); // three
})(); // <-- and this console.log( a ); // 2

The (office foo(){ .. }) equally an expression ways the identifier foo is found but in the scope where the .. indicates, non in the outer scope. Hence, the values within the scope that encloses (function foo(){ .. }) are not polluted past what'south in the global scope.

The post-obit are the different means of writing a function expressions:

                var foo = function() {                  
console.log("This is an anonymous function expression");


var x = function foo() {
console.log("This is a named function expression");


(part() {
console.log("This is a self-invoking part expression");


(function foo() {
console.log("This is a named self-invoking function expression");
setTimeout( part(){
console.log("This is an anonymous office expression as a callback parameter");
}, m );
setTimeout( function(){
console.log("This is a named function expression equally a callback parameter");
}, 1000 );

Immediately Invoked Function Expression (IIFE)

IIFE can be written in two different means:

                (function() {
(office() {

Blocks As Scopes

Consider a for loop:

                for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
panel.log( i );
console.log(i) //10

Now, nosotros tin clearly see that information technology makes a kind of sense that we declare the i inside the for loop, but information technology'due south not relevant when using var because they'll always belong to the enclosing telescopic. And then, why pollute the entire scope of a function with the i variable that's only going to be used in the for loop? The solution to that is let and const. Let'south take a look at them:

Permit and const create a block scope of their ain, every bit does the catch in a endeavour…catch statement.

The post-obit examples volition articulate information technology further:


                endeavour {
undefined(); // illegal operation to strength an exception!
catch (err) {
panel.log( err ); // works!

console.log( err ); // ReferenceError: `err` not plant

As you can run into, err exists merely in the grab clause and throws an error when you try to reference it elsewhere.


                var foo = one;

if (foo) {
let bar = foo * 2;
console.log( bar );// 2

console.log( bar ); // ReferenceError

The aforementioned lawmaking when run with var:

                var foo = one;

if (foo) {
var bar = foo * 2;
console.log( bar );// two

panel.log( bar ); // two


                var foo = i;

if (foo) {
var a = 2;
const b = iii; // cake-scoped to the containing `if`

a = 3; // just fine!
b = 4; // error!

console.log( a ); // three
console.log( b ); // ReferenceError!

Const also creates a cake-scoped variable, but the value is fixed (constant). Any attempt to change that value at a after time results in an error.


This is, possibly, the near important conclusion of everything nosotros've learned in a higher place — and maybe the nigh interesting also.

Let's look at two scenarios:

                Scenario 1:
a = 2;

var a;

console.log( a ); // 2

Scenario 2:
panel.log( a ); // undefined

var a = 2;

Now the reason why the outputs might seem confusing is because of hoisting.

The JS engine works in two steps: The first is the compilation phase, and the adjacent is the execution phase. The piece of work of these two steps is different.

In the compilation phase, all variables and function declarations are processed.

After the compilation stage, in the execution phase, all the logic and assignments take place.

When you lot see var a = two;, you probably think of that every bit 1 argument. But JavaScript actually thinks of it as 2 statements: var a; and a = 2;. The first argument, the declaration, is processed during the compilation phase. The second statement, the assignment, is left in place for the execution phase.

Notation: In the in a higher place example, the in identify part is very important. It's as well important to note that hoisting is per scope.

Our start snippet will and so be:

                var a;                a = 2;

console.log( a ); // two

And our 2d snippet:

                var a;                console.log( a ); //undefined

a = 2;

Functions first

A subtle nonetheless important item: Functions are hoisted first — and then variables.


                foo(); // 1                var foo;                function foo() {
console.log( 1 );
foo = function() {
console.log( 2 );

1 is printed instead of 2. This snippet is interpreted past the engine equally:

                function foo() {
console.log( ane );
foo(); // i foo = function() {
console.log( 2 );

While multiple/duplicate var declarations are finer ignored, subsequent role declarations do override previous ones.

Consider the next two snippets:

Snippet 1:

                foo(); // 3 since the second function decalaration overrides the first i.

function foo() {
panel.log( one );

var foo = office() {
console.log( two );

function foo() {
console.log( three );

Snippet 2:

                foo(); // "b"

var a = true;
if (a) {
function foo() { console.log( "a" ); }
else {
role foo() { panel.log( "b" ); }

Function declarations that announced inside of normal blocks typically hoist to the enclosing scope, rather than existence provisional, as the above code implies.


Closure is a fairly unproblematic concept to understand if i understands lexical telescopic well enough. Substantially, we use closure quite frequently but without really agreement it.

We can await at closure as a way of calling a office or using a function out of its lexical scope or the ability of the function to access its lexical scope fifty-fifty when that function is called outside its lexical scope.

Consider this unproblematic lawmaking:

                function foo() {
var a = 2;

function bar() { // this function has a closure over the scope of foo
console.log( a );


foo(); // 2

To make the above lawmaking even clearer, consider this:

                function foo() {
var a = 2;

function bar() {
console.log( a );

return bar; // we render the unabridged function of bar

var baz = foo(); // now baz has the same function definition as bar but it can acess bar's lexical telescopic

baz(); // guess what the output is, yeah it's the aforementioned as above: two

And so to define it:

Closure is when a function is able to retrieve and access its lexical scope — even when that function is executing exterior its lexical scope.


I was not familiar with the idea of modules as explained in this book, merely they're very interesting and helpful.

Modules are code patterns that leverage the power of closure.

Take this for an example:

                function Module() {
var a= "This is a module!";

function func() {
console.log( a );

return {
func: func

var foo = Module();
foo.func(); // This is a module!

This is the blueprint in JavaScript we call module.

To state it more simply, at that place are two requirements for the module pattern to exist exercised:

  1. There must be an outer-enclosing function, and it must be invoked at least once (in the above example it is Module).
  2. The outer-enclosing function must return back at least i inner role so this inner function has closure over the individual scope and can access and/or change that private state. (In the above instance, information technology is func .)


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